Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Bearsted's StopKIG protest attracts 2148 people

A StopKIG sign in a resident's garden near the proposed freight depot site. See more pictures here.

2148 voices chimed in chorus in opposition to plans for a massive freight interchange in the midst of Kent’s quaint countryside on Bank Holiday Monday. The single shout of “StopKIG” punctuated the air like a defiant bullet.

Armed with banners and placards the protestors of all ages walked together, united by anger, from Bearsted’s village green to the proposed 256-acre KIG freight depot site.

Local MPs and councillors addressed the crowd on a small platform. Mid Kent MP Hugh Robertson shouted into the hubbub “You do not put developments like this next to an area of outstanding beauty, you do not put them next the two most attractive villages on the periphery of Maidstone and you do not put rail freight interchanges in the middle of a motorway stretch, you put them at either end.” The crowd roared back in agreement.

A protester, Joan Wise, showed her outrage for the proposed “monstrosity”. She is just one of many who will be directly affected by the plans which will see the site being built just 50 yards from their gardens. “Our lives will be very much changed because of the constant 24 hour lighting, probably noise and pollution. It’s not what we had envisaged backing onto our garden.” She said, “I do hope today makes an impact and leaves an impression on everybody.”

But, as the walkers made their way back to the green the event organisers reminded everyone to keep on fighting as this was not the end.

On Thursday Maidstone Council have planned a meeting where councillors will debate the KIG application. It has been moved to Maidstone Studios to accommodate for the predicted large numbers.

The fate of Kent’s countryside, however, will not be decided until after a public inquiry has been held in the summer.

Hear the protestors' stories below.
